You can't, but most people don't go beyond the first page of bulletin entries, so if you create several bulletins, which will force the obscene one one-to-two page clicks away, chances are no one will ever see it!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
How do i make a myspace background with my images?
It's really simple once you get the hang of it and have the right programs. If you really want to have it close to a pro then I suggest you use photoshop to help create your layout. Gather all the pictures you want to use and edit them. You can use any programs that will let you edit pictures and save them. Then go to photobucket or something that will let you upload a pic to get a code for it. Then find any layout generator online. Find what kind of styles you like to best fit your layout. Choosing the font, color, borders and all that. And once you're done, get your code by clicking on done or finish. Or some button that will give you the code. Then take that code to your myspace. Paste it somewhere on your profile when editing it. Be sure to remove the previous code of the layout you have on there now. And that's about it. If you still need help then you can email me on here. Good luck!
Anyone know where to find a image splitter to put on front of my myspace to show 2 images at same ti
Anyone know where to find a image splitter to put on front of my myspace to show 2 images at same time?
you need to open them in a pictures editer ,like photoshop,to design your banner
How to i report someone on myspace that is using images of other people without thier permission???
Contact myspace. See page below.
How to i report someone on myspace that is using images of other people without thier permission???
Click report image underneath the picture.
How to i report someone on myspace that is using images of other people without thier permission???
First off, how do you know its without their permission? Secondly, if these pics were on the net and aint copyrighted, its their tuff luck! Thirdly, if one of the pics is yours and you dont want people copyin it, take it off!
How to i report someone on myspace that is using images of other people without thier permission???
on every page is a contact link
How to i report someone on myspace that is using images of other people without thier permission???
you have way too much time on your hands if that's the least of your worries. myspace sucks just like all the other "unsocial" networks. get off your butt, go outside, find a hobby, meet some new people. take up bike riding or something.
How to i report someone on myspace that is using images of other people without thier permission???
go to myspace and find out the help option.
or click this link thing under the actual picture.
I agree with other ppl, how do u know its without permision. and yeah..the other ppl in the bottom posts/topics are right.
On myspace most of the images on the page are blank boxes with red x in the corner?
i have flash player 8 already installed. help? i just recently changed from dial up to dsl thats when problem started.
On myspace most of the images on the page are blank boxes with red x in the corner?
That means it didnt load the images. Go to TOOLS%26gt;%26gt;INTERNET OPTIONS%26gt;%26gt;ADVANCED TAB%26gt;%26gt;SCROLL DOWN TO MEDIA SECTION%26gt;%26gt;CHECK 'Show Pictures'.
It's either that or whoever's page the images are on, are linked to somewhere and those images dont exist.
On myspace most of the images on the page are blank boxes with red x in the corner?
somethings wrong with yo computer the same thing happened to me
On myspace most of the images on the page are blank boxes with red x in the corner?
the problem is not DSL. Your problem is that those pics are illegal for you to put them in there.
On myspace most of the images on the page are blank boxes with red x in the corner?
Click on your refresh tab. then try again that should help. Ore your firewall may be blocking the images...allow them to be seen.
Good Luck !
I want images for my about me section on my myspace Some people have images that say she is so cool? PLEASE!?
I want images for my about me section on my myspace Some people have images that say she is so cool?
try graphics for myspace from this cool site:
just get the code and copy it on your myspace profile.
good luck with your myspace layout!
I want images for my about me section on my myspace Some people have images that say she is so cool?
try going to sites like photobucket and searching for them
or if your experienced you can make them yourself
I want images for my about me section on my myspace Some people have images that say she is so cool?
i have two sites that i use for that...
lunapic and bling...
i say that lunapic is better buhh thats juss my opinion
heres the links...
for blingee, i think you have to have an account.. so yea
hope his helps
Myspace code to make images black and white?
anyone know a code to make my picture black and white when they go on my page but when they commnet my picture its regular??
Myspace code to make images black and white?
put this code anywhere just remember where it is if you every wanna take it off
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; a:link img {filter:gray;} a:visited img {filter:gray;} a:hover img {filter:none;} %26lt;/style%26gt;
Myspace code to make images black and white?
go to
they have all kinds of effects nd it is free
there is no code
Myspace code to make images black and white?
go to
Myspace code to make images black and white?
idk myspaces are for people with TO much FREE time
Myspace code to make images black and white?
You cant do has to be a special layout.
Myspace code to make images black and white?
they have all kinds of effects nd it is free
there is no code
Myspace code to make images black and white?
Go to the myspace profile editor and it will say something like change view of photos
Myspace code to make images black and white?
myspace profile editor you know the one tom made so people can mess around with their profiles just explore through there and find images and do cool effects to everything
Can someone tell me any websites other than photobucket where you can put images of stuff on myspace
Can someone tell me any websites other than photobucket where you can put images of stuff on myspace?
Can someone tell me any websites other than photobucket where you can put images of stuff on myspace?
Can someone tell me any websites other than photobucket where you can put images of stuff on myspace?
Can someone tell me any websites other than photobucket where you can put images of stuff on myspace?
I like ""
Can someone tell me any websites other than photobucket where you can put images of stuff on myspace?
imageshack is good, very easy to use.
Can someone tell me any websites other than photobucket where you can put images of stuff on myspace?
Myspace also has a slideshow.
HTML/Myspace Image Centering Question?
This is driving me CRAZY! Ok, I'm having a problem with centering my images on myspace when I center a text like in the interest section, and I enter a picture the text is aligned to the left somehow so can someone please! Tell me how to have a centered text and a centered picture at the same time, for example I use %26lt;center%26gt; and %26lt;/center%26gt; for a text, or %26lt;p align="center"%26gt; and even %26lt;div align="center"%26gt; and I do the same with the picture and the text gets moved to the left! So can some PLEASE! GIVE ME A CODE WHERE IT WONT DO THAT! Thank You
HTML/Myspace Image Centering Question?
maybe you you have something else that is stuck
to it so it makes it move to the left
(yeah doesnt make sense, but its right)
try doing this:
%26lt;center%26gt;text or picture here%26lt;/center%26gt;
it will seperate it from everything else,
i am pretty sure that it wont do it anymore.
if it still does, then i dont know.
HTML/Myspace Image Centering Question?
stop using shitty layout sites
make your code yourself instead
HTML/Myspace Image Centering Question?
I just constant;y have %26lt;center%26gt; at the top of my about me, after my layout codes.
And don't even bother about putting %26lt;/center%26gt; down.
Or just Google "center all text" and it will give you a code that will make everything on your myspace centered.
Myspace image help! PLZZ?
I REALLY need help with a myspace image effect. Its really cool. The person that has it wont tell me how she did it, so Im asking you. I would like to know an internet site, so please help me out...
Heres the girls picture effect I want-
The hint she did give me was that she didnt use a $ program, it was a site... HELP ME PLZZ
Myspace image help! PLZZ?
Myspace - how to add images to the comment boxes?
upload the picture to then take the url that they give you and put it in this code
%26lt;img src= "URL GOES HERE"%26gt;
then post it and it should be in the comment box
Myspace - how to add images to the comment boxes? - tags
Myspace - how to add images to the comment boxes?
You take the picture you have on your PC, and join, post your picture on there, copy and paste the writing and paste it in your comment box. Hope that helps =)
Myspace - how to add images to the comment boxes?
i dont know
While looking through myspace or other sites the images are always blury?
all pictures i have put on myspace and every ones pics are so blury i cant tell what they look like
While looking through myspace or other sites the images are always blury?
Stop going on MySpace when you're drunk?
While looking through myspace or other sites the images are always blury?
1st question: Are you at work or on a monitored system? A lot of work computers are so shitty and not taken care off, that they don't have good system components or windows setups. Monitored systems can also blur pictures on purpose to prevent access.
2nd question: If you're not at work and if you're using a personal computer, your video card probably isn't up to snuff.
Is it only on Myspace?
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
or your account will be deleted? whats a copyright image?
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
It means they are owned by someone else, and you could get sued for using it without permission.
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
Any image that was not made by you and has not been licensed to you by the copyright owner for use.
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
well technically it means don't upload pictures that a person, company or some other entity has legal rights to, such as album covers, movie covers, video stills to name a few, but i don't think it's really enforced because they're all over the place.
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
an image that is copyrighted, means it belongs to someone legally and to take it, copy it, or download it without prior consent of the owner is in fraction of copyright law which is a federal law and normally brings $1000 fine for time the image or item is displayed.
most items state they are copyrighted or have the 漏 on them or the site itself will state "all materials and items on this site are copyrighted"
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
It means that pictures that are not ur or dont belong to u are uploaded.
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
A copyright image is an image that has been patented. I think it means not to use images that you got from a company, such as games or icons, ect. You are only allowed to use pictures that either you took, or that doesn't have a copyright.
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
thats when you try to upload a image like yahoo! logo and cliam it as yours or even use it on your page.
beacuse what you edit, cristim or even spam it,
wrong for their businese so myspace is strict on how you put on your page.
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
In the United States , copyright is a form of protection provided by the government to the authors of 鈥渙riginal works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works.鈥?This protection is available to both published and unpublished works, regardless of the nationality or domicile of the author. It is unlawful for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by copyright law to the owner of the copyright.
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
Theoretically, my avatar would be considered a copyright image, but the CREATORS, Matt and Trey, have wanted their creation distributed and seen everywhere.
Therefore it does not violate copyright.
But if you put an image of Bitchney Spears up, that would be considered a copyright violation....
What does it mean when myspace says, dont upload copyrighted images?
They do that now. Digital Data has /tags in it that id it and send the Owner, Apple/Microsoft a percentage of the moneis made from the advertizeing. Anyone can claim Copyright on any Uncopyrited work, So grab what you can while you can and either go Corporate $ or go Creative Commons where people share ideas.
I find it funny that people thought Micheal Jackson was an idiot to pay 3million for the Copyrights to The Beatles, heh.
If it is still Public Domain, it wont be for long, welcome to America.
Myspace top headers. How do those professional pages get those images to the top of the page?
Look at this page for example, (hot97official). I would like to know a generator or code or layour where I can incorporate my own image to the top like that.
Myspace top headers. How do those professional pages get those images to the top of the page?
here is the generator that you will need
Image On Top Of Page Generator
This will put a Image above the banner on myspace
Where to find myspace comments that are not images?
for example
"?MUAH* You have just been blown a kiss! if u recieve 1-3(ur sweet) 3-6(ur cute) 6-12(ur H0T) so start sending 2 see how many you get?"
88888____888888___888888____88 ___8__
_88_888___88888888_88888888__888 8_8___
____888___888__888_888__888___88 _8____
____888___888__888_888__888_____ 8_____
____888___888__888_888__888____8 __88__
____888___88888888_88888888___8_ _8888_
__8888888__888888___888888___8__ __88__
_8888888___888___88888_____888__ _888888___
_888_____________88888_____888__ _888______
_888_______888___888_88____888__ _888______
_888_______888___888_888___888__ _888______
_8888888___888___888__888__888__ _888888___
_888_______888___888___888_888__ _888______
_888_______888___888____888888__ _888______
_888_______888___888_____88888__ _888______
_888_______888___888______8888__ _888888___
闄?-4::UR OK
Where to find myspace comments that are not images?
Those would be called Myspace Chains. I found a lot of them on the Web....especially at this site:
For more go to:;q=mys...
On myspace there are really cute images of words that look like theyre handwritten. where can i get
I usually do a search in for a word that I want and just scroll through. For instance, if you type in "beautiful" you get a cute cursive one that says 'hello beautiful'...Or, you can create your own by opening up a simple imaging program like Paint or Photoshop and use the Text tool, select whatever font on your computer that you like, and type the word and save it and use that. Another good website is
Myspace image converter?
I know there are some websites out there that can change a picture in your "my pictures" or your computer into a code that you can put onto your myspace
Can someone give me a direct link? An image converter than can change your picture into a HTML code? And it has to be for your own pictures, not a web URL
Please don't give me a website that has a bunch of MySpace stuff on them, a direct link would be good
Myspace image converter?
I think you may be misconceiving the concept of image hosting. You cannot host them off your computer on the web.
In order to put them places, you MUST use an online host like Photobucket or
After you upload them onto a host site, copy the "direct link" they give you, also called a url, and place it into this code.
%26lt;img src="URL HERE" /%26gt;
Where should I go to find background images for my myspace page?
Myspace pimper, Best myspace BG site by far :)
Where should I go to find background images for my myspace page?
google it theres lots of them
Where should I go to find background images for my myspace page?
You could google "Myspace Layouts" or "Myspace Images" and there are loads of results.
Where should I go to find background images for my myspace page?
Where should I go to find background images for my myspace page?
Just google myspace layout.
get code
paste code into about me section of profile.
Where should I go to find background images for my myspace page?
do an image search nowadays mosy and maybe all search engins have that facility
How can I add a picture from yahoo images to my Myspace file?
First, save the picture
Then go to or
And upload
Take the code
Paste it into your profile
And BAM :]
How can I add a picture from yahoo images to my Myspace file?
dirst right click the pic on yahoo then click save to documents then go to upload on myspace and it will upload by the name of the document.
Myspace image?
Myspace image?
If you try covering up the top advertisement, you are risking yourself getting your myspace deleted. It violates their rules.
1. log into your myspace
2. at the top, there's a link that says forum.. click it
3. scroll down until you get to the topic "Myspace". click it
4. click the Customizing category
5. look through the forum for answers. -OR- post your question
Hope that helps!
Myspace image?
you can try
They also show you how to do that . Report It
Myspace image?
you might have better luck in the myspace forum. but if you want to cover up advertisements you can't. if you want to cover up the "extended network" thing there are tutorials to do this. go to the myspace forum, go to myspace,then customizing and you'll find a list of tutorials to alter your myspace.
Myspace image?
go into add/edit photos... and upload your pic.. its got to be jpg, and not more than 600 kbts...
How do you make a myspace layout with multiple background images? Like instead of just having one re
Instead of having just one tiled background image. Can i have like 4?
How do you make a myspace layout with multiple background images? Like instead of just having one repeating.?
yes, compbine the images in paint
then upload it to photobucket and set it as ur background
Whatz the code for scrollboxes that can have images in them for myspace?
%26lt;div style="border: 2px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); width: 190px; height: 90px; overflow: auto;"%26gt;PUT YOUR PICTURE CODES HERE.
just put the picture codes where it says PUT YOUR PICTURE CODES HERE and you'll be ready to go.
*make sure that your codes are within the %26lt;div%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;. if they're not, your pictures will end up outside of the scroll box.
*also! you can change the width and height by adjusting the numbers in front of the "px".
good luck!
Whatz the code for scrollboxes that can have images in them for myspace?
its the same just put the picture
code instead of the text
and if you want you can have it like a
slideshow the pictures moving
its cool heres the code if you want
%26lt;marquee behavior=" alternate "%26gt;pic code here %26lt;/marquee%26gt;
MySpace image in question.?
Me and my boyfriend just broke up today. It was one of those weird doesn't make much sense break ups. The kind where he says he needs to get his life together before he can be worth anything to anyone...needs to find his path or some bs like that. So I noticed on his Myspace profile today, yeah I know I shouldn't look at it, but I missed him and wanted to look at his pictures and feel sorry for, there is a comment from a girl. she sent a comment graphic of a woman who looks like Betty Paige but I don't think it actually is...just someone looking like her and the comment image says "I lost my heart" and shes pointing. I'm not sure what that means. I know she's his old neighbor and was wondering if maybe he was seeing her or if that means something totally different that I just don't know about.
MySpace image in question.?
Don't dwell on it, let it be. He broke up with you and broke your heart don't get involved in his continuing personal saga. You should be worried about yourself and healing your heart. Don't go to his myspace or any other place to see his pictures.
What is the code for putting images on your myspace?
%26lt;img src="image link"%26gt;
What is the code for putting images on your myspace?
there are diffrent codes try going to
What is the code for putting images on your myspace?
Go to , there, upload a picture from your personal computer files, then it will give you a URL and tag for the pic. Copy and paste the "tag" one into anywhere on your myspace.
What is the code for putting images on your myspace?
you can try to upload your own pictures that you want on your profile page. It gives you a code for myspace (they call it a "Tag") and you can paste it in your "About Me" section or any section you want when you edit your profile.
What is the code for putting images on your myspace?
its easy. you can find code generators that you plug information into to get backgrounds or choose pictures to go on your page. go to or or just "search" for myspace layout generators. the only other thing you might need is the html color chart. that is really handy to get every color you want on your page and the program will prompt you when its time to choose your colors.
after you paste the code into your profile, you can see what happens by viewing your myspace page. if you don't like it, you need to erase what you pasted and start over. its fun!
What is the code for putting images on your myspace?
%26lt;img src="url goes here"%26gt;
but if u wan to size it.
%26lt;img src="url goes here" width="?" height="?"%26gt;
How in the world do i put images on my myspace? not like in the pictures thing, but like put them on
You need to put your pictures into a hosting site like photobucket. they will give you a link to the pic and you put the link where ya want the pic
How in the world do i put images on my myspace? not like in the pictures thing, but like put them on my page?
if you want to customize your page then you should check out for layouts or to create your own layout.
if you just want to add a photo to a section of your page
- upload the photo to a photo hosting site like photobucket
- after uploading the photo, it will then give you a code that you can copy and paste into your profile
How in the world do i put images on my myspace? not like in the pictures thing, but like put them on my page?
well i think you have to save the pictures in paint or some other software and then go on to myspace and upload the pictures like click upload picture and i think you can look in flies and choose what you want on your myspace well i hope you get the pictures onto your myspace .
How in the world do i put images on my myspace? not like in the pictures thing, but like put them on my page?
1.) Go to, photobucket, or
2.) Click on upload image[s], and search your computer for the image file name that you want to put in your website/myspace.
3.) When that has been uploaded, they will give you a simple link directly to the image.
4.) Copy the link that ends in ".gif" ".bmp" ".jpg" ".jpeg" ".png" etc.
5.) Use the following code:
%26lt;img src="PUT YOUR LINK TO THE IMAGE HERE"%26gt;
Paste your image in between the quotes:
ex: %26lt;img src="photoshop.url.whatever"%26gt;
6.) Paste that into wherever you want the image to go! Good luck!
How in the world do i put images on my myspace? not like in the pictures thing, but like put them on my page?
Go 2 and they pretty much walk u through the process.
How to upload videos and images for my myspace...?
i want to put them on my actual site. i've tried using, but the pictures come up too large when i put them on my site. i want them to be fairly small, like 3x3 inches or something. any sites i can try??
How to upload videos and images for my myspace...?
videos: go to upload you video, go to your video page and copy the embed code located to the right of the video. Paste this into your myspace and the video will show up.
pictures: all you need to do is edit the html of the picture.
for example if tinypic gave you this url for your picture
%26lt;img src="http://tinypic/yourpicture.jpg"%26gt;
change it to:
%26lt;img src="http://tinypic/yourpicture.jpg" height="300" width="300"%26gt;
you can also express height and width as a percent, just make sure to keep the aspect ratio.
How to upload videos and images for my myspace...?
click on the videos link to upload videos.
How do i make the images translucent in myspace??
plz plz plz
tell me!
i wanna knw the code(html)
How do i make the images translucent in myspace??
Here u go :)
%26lt;img style="filter: alpha(Opacity=50)"%26gt;
How do i make the images translucent in myspace??
go to its an html site
How can i upload different images to my myspace account?
you go to EDIT/ADD PHOTOS on your HOME and then there should be an upload bar where you can pick a picture and click UPLOAD
How can i upload different images to my myspace account?
what u mean by differernt images? u just login and addmore images. let me know if u need more help...
How can i upload different images to my myspace account?
From your home page right next to your picture you have on your page there is a link that says add/edit images from there this will go to a different screen. you will then see a long bar and next to it should say browse and if the image you want is on your computer then you just need to find it.
If for some reason the picture is to big of a file for myspace you can go to
and use that to post the pictures that are to big. That's what I had to do with some pictures that I had professionaly done.
Good luck if you need anything else my myspace link is
Good Luck
Where can i get snoopy images for my myspace account?
Well go to and do a search for "Snoopy"!
Where can i get snoopy images for my myspace account?
Where can i get snoopy images for my myspace account?
use that link and there will be a bunch of picture, if you want to use them get a photobucket account and save them to that if you want, it's free to start an account
Where can i get snoopy images for my myspace account?
here's a few...
Myspace Image Help...?
Hello, I have read all of the other answers to other people's questions on posting images on your MySpace, and I have tried all of that... Okay here is my question:
How do you put images on your MySpace Blog so you can view them without having to click a link and go to another website? Now here is what I've tried so far: I have used both Photobucket and ImageShack to upload my photo's, I've tried the image codes on all of them and none have worked, I've tried typing %26lt; img scr"then the name of where it's hosted"%26gt;.
It seems nothing is working and it's driving me crazy! Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Myspace Image Help...?
you'll find your answer on :
it has the greatest myspace stuff i've ever seen
Myspace Image Help...?
I think i kno how 2 do this...
see the little blx on the blog thingy, click it, and then take the code from the pic and paste on your blog, i dont kno if this will work, but hope it does
Does anyone know the code for putting images as captions on myspace?
i tried using the tiny pic code of %26lt;img src="urlhere"%26gt; and it didnt work
are there any other ones?
Does anyone know the code for putting images as captions on myspace?
try it without the "
%26lt;img src=url here%26gt;
it might work.
also, make sure the name of the picture
isnt too long, that might be a problem
and try again in tiny pic.
i hope that works =]
Does anyone know the code for putting images as captions on myspace?
probably it didn't work because the url is too long
use the same one but make a really shor url with this
How do I add music and Images on my Myspace page?
Please be specific because I really don't know what I am doing.
How do I add music and Images on my Myspace page?
HTML code
How do I add music and Images on my Myspace page?
To add pictures:
Find some saved onto your computer
Go to and upload desired photos
After loaded click on "Get HTML code"
Paste code
Go to your myspace page
Click Edit page
Paste HTML photo code whereever you want it to show up on your page
Click Save
And there it is!!!!
TO add music
Go to edit profile
Top right corner click on Add music
Search for band
Search for song
Click Add next to song
And there u have it!
How do I add music and Images on my Myspace page?
go to edit profile and there you will see add profile song,add some of your fav groups as friends and when you listen to that band if you like that song,click on add and it will say "Add song to profile"click "YES"As far as images go for a background,click on someone eles's page top left for the website they found their background at,go to it and look at background pics,copy and paste,that is getting all compter language next to background you want and right click and click "COPY" use back button and go to about me section and right click and "Paste" and background shows up,it works same for images,copy and paste,all letters in blue by right click and copy use baCK BUTTON,AND RIGHT CLICK ON SEND COMMENTS to friend and paste when you right click your mouse it will post the pic to your friends comment section,same if you want pictures on your profile,go to about me and you can insert pics in general interest and other places,just click on bottom of other pics you see and you will find the web sites you need to get the codes to copy and paste!Easy once you get it,you have to defragment your computer a lot by doing this,it slows it up a lot!Hope you understand my directions~
Where can i find some good images for my myspace?
Where can i find some good images for my myspace?,
Where can i find some good images for my myspace?
depends on what type
Where can i find some good images for my myspace?
Try There are some really nice pics on there.
What are some cool background images for stuff like Myspace and Hi5?
For a guy a really niiice car is good.=]
Or like any abstract cool designs.
What is the code for putting images in text for myspace?
%26lt;img src="url address"%26gt;
What is the code for putting images in text for myspace?
I use can create slideshows, photostamps, etc...
What is the code for putting images in text for myspace?
%26lt;img src=""%26gt;
What is the code for putting images in text for myspace?
%26lt;img src=""URL" HERE"%26gt;
its very easy to remember
How do I put images in my Myspace page?
I don't want them in my photos, but on the actual page. I tried using Imageshack, but they don't give me the results I've wanted.
How do I put images in my Myspace page?
First, you need an image host. is a popular one. Secondly, you have to get a general idea of HTML image tags or BBS tags. Photo Bucket has a helf section that will help you on that.
How do I put images in my Myspace page?
In the actual page itself, you have to use a hosting site. I think Photo Bucket is widely used.
How do I put images in my Myspace page?
You have to have a URL. Get the URL from imageshack if thats where you store your photos and make sure you put %26lt;img src=""image" url goes here"%26gt; The img src is what make the photos show up...Good luck.
How do I put images in my Myspace page?
I used image shack as well...
%26lt;img src=" URL OF IMAGE"%26gt;
How do I put images in my Myspace page?
閳藉應妲?MYSPACE EDITORS %26amp; LAYOUTS 閳藉應妲?/p>
閳?Everything you could possibly want to do to your MySpace account can be found on these sites. There are HTML source code generators, layouts, prewritten HTML codes and much more.
閳?More MySpace Layouts than you will ever be able to sort through.
閳?MySpace HTML Codes
閳?Animated MySpace Graphics
How do I put images in my Myspace page?
Register for free at . Now upload as many pics as you like. Then click on any pic then right-click on the pic and click properties. Where it says address, copy the link and paste the link to about me section. Here's the code for this:
%26lt;img src="***URL***"%26lt;/img%26gt;
Howdo i get background images and songs on myspace blog?
plz help
Howdo i get background images and songs on myspace blog?
For Backgrounds u can use some softwares to write the code in html and for songs if u want to upload a song u have to contact them by giving them ur URL address but if u want to add a song that u heard on other's myspace accounts , there is this little option by the song that says add, simply click on that and it will be on ur page ;)
Where do I find those really fast moving images you see on myspace? They're the ones that are t
The images that look like this.
If you could give me a site with a bunch of these, that would be fantastic. If not, please post some other pics like this in here =]
Where do I find those really fast moving images you see on myspace? They're the ones that are time lapses?
Those are .gif images. You can create your own right here:
How can I copy internet images to my myspace profile pic?
copy them onto your desktop then make them a folder.Go to myspace on add or edit pics then browse your desktop and find the folder and get the pics on there.
How can I copy internet images to my myspace profile pic?
very simple, go to a website like "photobucket" and click the picture you want , then at the bottem of the page it will say HTML CODE. copy the code and paste it in any of you about me or music sections.
How can I copy internet images to my myspace profile pic?
exacly what heather said
How do you get photobucket images on ur myspace??
The HTML code is the one to paste on a Myspace profile page. And the HTML code is the one for comments, also.
How do you get photobucket images on ur myspace??
if youre trying to put the pic on your page use the url in your code
if youre trying to put the pic in your photos section then upload directly from your hd bypass photobucket
if youre trying to put the pic in a comment use the 2nd tag in photobucket the img tag
How do you get floating images for your myspace?
you know like when the picture floats around your page
its very kute
How do you get floating images for your myspace?
I u can get floating images on:
There most probably be more sites,these are just the ones i know of. You could always try googling it if you wanna try and find more.
How do you get floating images for your myspace?
u culd go to
How do you create animated images seen on myspace, etc.?
From pictures of myself.... similar to stop motion video.
How do you create animated images seen on myspace, etc.?
You need an animated gif.
Good luck.
How do i mke the images translucent in myspace?
Research the Alpha channel of PNG images. You can manipulate images with transparencies with higher-end imaging programs, like the free "GIMP" tool for Linux, Mac and Windows.
The alpha channel regulates how much of the other three colors of a pixel (Red,Green,Blue) should mix with any underlying color. if you set it to 0, it will essentially make that pixel transparent.
How do i embed images for myspace comments?
place the URL into this code and paste it into your friends comments section...
%26lt;img src="URLHERE"%26gt;
How do i embed images for myspace comments?
you can save ur images on to'll embed it for you
How do i embed images for myspace comments?
Also if you already know the url of the image you can just copy and paste the url to the image along with your comments.
Friday, November 27, 2009
How do i put images/graphics on myspace without removing my background?
This should provide you with the help you need.
How do i put images/graphics on myspace without removing my background?
if want to put the picture on: about me, interest, ect..
then, go to ur edit profile and edit the section..
and put the code, i use mine from and if u dont want the link to the website erase
%26lt;a href=""%26gt; %26amp; %26lt;/a%26gt;
or u can change the URL
but most ppl use photobucket ..(which i dont lke)
well, hope that's what u meant
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
insert an %26lt;img src="" align="left" /%26gt; somewhere you want an image inserted and replace the link with one of your choosing.
properties for ALIGN: left, right, top, bottom
properties for VSPACE, HSPACE: any integer
you can experiment with other properties and such. have fun.
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
%26lt;img src=IMAGE LINK HERE%26gt;
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
Go to or
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
Find an image on the internet that you like, or if its on your computer upload it to somewhere like
Once the image is online, right click on it with your mouse and Click 'Copy Image Location' or something similar depending on what browser you have
Now type:
%26lt;img src="PASTE HERE"%26gt;%26lt;/img%26gt;
Paste what you just copied where it says paste here and paste it into a friends myspace profile
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
%26lt;img src="image URL here.jpeg"%26gt;
But to get the image URL, go to the website where the picture is, right click it (the image) and press properties. It will say the right URL in there. In order for this to work, the Myspace user you are trying to put an image comment on must have HTML enabled, if they don't then none of this will work.
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
%26lt;img src="link"%26gt;
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
also, some myspace profiles have HTML [pictures, etc.] disabled for their comments. so if you post a picture in a comment and if someone has it disabled, then only the code will show up, and not the picture.
How do I get images onto myspace comments?
you could use the sources i put. it does all the work for you./ just paste it into the comments%26amp;submit it..
How do I post images on my Myspace blog?
I don't get it!! I thought you use the same code that you use on your page '%26lt;img src=' and then the code!?!
Am I missing something?
How do I post images on my Myspace blog?
it's correct.. %26lt;img src="where your images are"%26gt;
you need someone to host your images. like photobucket. upload your pix to photobucket and get the link, copy and past it into your template
How do I post images on my Myspace blog?
I could never figure that out either. I tried the url's, the img's and the http thingy's. Luckily, I'm not on there anymore.
How do u add images to myspace,tagworld,andcherrytap?
check the help pages for each of those sites
How do u add images to myspace,tagworld,andcherrytap?
images to your profile? or to the comment box? profile you have to go to places like and they have images. For the comments, you find the image you want, and store it in something like and then copy the url and past it in the comment box, once you hit submit comment the image will be there.
How do u add images to myspace,tagworld,andcherrytap?
You need to go to an image hosting site, is one that I use. Load the image, and you will receive a URL for the pic copy that then paste it to your myspace. There are size limitations when you do it this way.
How do I upload images and backgrounds on Please be specfic I don't know what I
I want a really cool looking myspace site but i don't understand how do upload the pics and where they will be placed when I do upload them. Or how I change the background color and add graphics. I would appreciate if somebody would explain them to me. I heard there are websites that give you backgrounds.
How do I upload images and backgrounds on Please be specfic I don't know what I'm doing.?
For finding layouts go to your search engine and type in *myspace layouts* and you will get many websites to go to. When you see a layout that you like press on it or maybe there will be something like press here to get code and when you get your code you copy it and place it into your about me section which is in the edit profile link.
For the uploading pictures what I recommened is going to and if you do not have a account their you could sign up for it it's absolutely free and at photobucket you can upload your pictures their and when you do upload this picture in your scrapbook section which is where all of your pictures are there you click on the picture and their will be a code their. Copy the code where it says websites and blogs and put it into your sections in the edit profile you could put the code anywhere you wish. If you would like to resize the picture you could do that at photobucket. Photobucket is also good because it not only let's you upload pictures but it also let's you search for pictures too.
Hope I helped :]
How do I upload images and backgrounds on Please be specfic I don't know what I'm doing.?
when the site gives you a code for the background copy the code and place it in the about me section wich you will find in edit profile.
How do I upload images and backgrounds on Please be specfic I don't know what I'm doing.?
To upload pics go to your "homepage" then look for "upload/change photo" when the page loads go to "browse" to look for the pic double click on the pic it should come up in a box right next to the "browse" button, click next and upload to your photo or new album(different folder than "my pics" folder to better organize pics) then click the upload button, after it uploads it'll be in "my photos" or a different album depending on what you chose and there you go, as for backround go to this site
then follow the steps to make a backround or pick a premade layout.
How to images on your myspace?
im assuming you mean how do you add images onto mypace???? if you are talking about putting your pics on you page go to add/edit photo right next to your main pic box when you log in and a screen comes up bowse and finde the pic you wnat to add on your computer....then double click it and click ok and it will up load it
How to images on your myspace?
well u go to edit profile then u then click browse and if u already have the pictures on the computer click on the picture and press insert.
How to images on your myspace?
Okay, that makes no sence, but if you mean how to upload them, then get a digital camera and upload your picture onto your computer. Then just go to add/edit pictures, and click on your picture. Ta da! It will be uploaded.
How do I put images on/in my myspace profile?
Not uploading them to myspace but putting them on the about me secion or something.
How do I put images on/in my myspace profile?
definatly go to and make an account. I did all of mine from there. looked very nice.
How do I put images on/in my myspace profile?
Go to They give you step by step directions. Let me know if your still having trouble.
Why is my 'resize comment images' code (for my myspace) not working?
it shrinks up the images but it also stretches the online now image laterally so that its very long and threows of my whole layout.
is there a different code that works
what can i do??
Why is my 'resize comment images' code (for my myspace) not working?
I've got your cure. :) go to and read my blog about this problem. The codes and how to fix your profile can be found there.
Hope this helps!
Most of my images on myspace are backwards, how do i fix them so they are right again?
You may have some faulty html in your editor. That is very strange %26amp; shouldn't be happening. Check for this piece right here %26amp; delete it if you find it. That reverses the direction of things.
How do you past background images in your myspace blog?
I have tried pasting it at the top of the blog, and upon review it shows the source code in the blog, not the image. I have tried pasting it at the bottom of the blog's body and upon review it only shows the advertising .gif image but no background image.
How do you past background images in your myspace blog?
I've never wanted a background for just one, individual entry, so if that is what you want I don't think I can help through Y!A. However, if you want the whole blog w/ that background image just go into "Manage Blog" %26gt; "Customize Blog" and scroll down a bit. There should be some Background Options, and one of them is the background image where you can place the link to your image there. It'll effect the entire blog though, which works if that's what you want I guess.
How do you past background images in your myspace blog?
use photobucket :)
How do you past background images in your myspace blog?
paste it in the "about me" section then save...
What is the code for adding images on myspace?
Im trying to get a code to add a jay-Z image and nothing shows up I forgot how to do it!!
What is the code for adding images on myspace?
%26lt;img src="URL OF IMAGE"%26gt;
How do I put different images and text on the tables of myspace page?
I used thomas myspace editor v3.5 but once I change the text for the tables it changes it for all of them. i've seen people's pages who have a picture for the "contacting you" table and different text for all of their tables. I tried putting up an image and it showed up in all of my tables. and I couldn't see it because the text color was blocking it.
How do I put different images and text on the tables of myspace page?
Here Try This One, See If You Like It! Just Copy and Paste into Your ABOUT ME on Your MySpace!!
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
.contactTable {
width:300px; height:145px; padding:0px;
background-attachment:scroll; background-position:center center;
background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:transparent;}
.contactTable table, table.contactTable td { padding:0px;
border:0px; background-color:transparent; background-image:none;}
.contactTable a img {visibility:hidden; border:0px;}
.contactTable a {display:block; height:29px; width:118px;}
.contactTable .text {font-size:1px;}
.contactTable .text, .contactTable a, .contactTable img {filter:none;}
Contact Menu from, %26lt;a href="" target="_blank"%26gt;;/a%26gt;
How do I put different images and text on the tables of myspace page?
do u hav photobucket?
How do I put different images and text on the tables of myspace page?
your dumb dude u need to know the codes and cut paste and if u dont know how to do that ur stupid
How can i out images in the top left and right hand corners of my myspace page?
Please someone help me! I have seen other people with two identical images in the top left and right corners of their myspace page but i can't figure out how to do it, if anyone knows how then please tell me
How can i out images in the top left and right hand corners of my myspace page?
its the logo from were u got the stuff from your myspace
you have to go into the code that you pasted
and the end (usually) it will say %26lt;img src="a link here"%26gt;
and that link is the picture
so delete the whole thing that i typed and if there is things in it or next to it like to get this click here
ad like things delete that to
when i doubt if u mess up just cut the code dont delete it and if it messes up just paste it back from were u deleted it
How can i out images in the top left and right hand corners of my myspace page?
just go here and
u will be able to do the editing easily
These cute but weird images on myspace icons???
ive been looking for them everywhere!!! theye look like blank eyed little blobs (ony is yellow and the otehr is greyish blue) and they usually do something cute usually expressing love. does anyone know where i can find them and/or the name of the actual animation???
These cute but weird images on myspace icons???
pon and zi,
What is the code for to space images out?
I am trying to to stack photos in for my profile page, however, the images are stacked right on top of each other. I can't figure out how to get a space or two between them. Any suggestions?
What is the code for to space images out?
I've never used myspace but the html for line breaks is '%26lt;br%26gt;'
If you're spacing horizontally, try '%26amp; n b s p;' (spaces added so it would show up here).
What is the code for to space images out?
Use the following CSS attributes:
How do you put images from google images onto myspace bulletins?
1. Go to
2. Google in keyword(s) and click search
3. Once you find the picture, click on the image then right click the image and find the URL address OR you can find it on the toolbar... either way works fine.
I would then post the picture in my bulletin using html coding as:
%26lt;img src="the link I just posted above goes here"%26gt;
And presto!
Just make sure the image always ends in either jpg or png or gif or bmp and that you use the quotation marks between the link.
You can save the image to your computer and upload it to a picture hosting website such as or or and it will automatically give you the URL code and all you would have to do is copy and paste it to your bulletin.
How do you put images from google images onto myspace bulletins?
%26lt;img src="IMAGE URL HERE"%26gt;
%26lt;img src=""%26gt;
(thats nott a real image url. :])
Im planing to make a site with myspace layouts and images?
What could be a good name for it?
And what should i try to do and not do?
Im planing to make a site with myspace layouts and images?
As long as you dont use a stupid name like just use your imagination i guess.
The best thing to do for those types of sites is to organize, organize, organize. Make sure your catagories are direct and to the point, and dont use generics like girls or boys!!
Im looking for a layout of general hospital for myspace or any images?
Im looking for a layout of general hospital for myspace or any images?
If ur un able to find one.. just find a layout u like then just yahoo or google search a general hospital picture/image and put that URL in the background spot of the layout u choose.
Where can I get an I 閳?converse or something to do w/ converse graphic/images 4 my myspace?
You know those little images that's what I want w/ somethin' to do w/ converse not a converse layout please, please give me the link thank you bunches!
Where can I get an I 閳?converse or something to do w/ converse graphic/images 4 my myspace?
or you can go to...
and then go to "search"
and then go to avatars
and type in converse
How do i make a myspace layout with several images?
i just want a site where you upload the image and they give you the code..but i have several images i want to upload for my background..any help?
How do i make a myspace layout with several images?
are they icons?? like all 100px X 100px??
if so try this:
if not u need to put them all together into one image like using paint or something..u cant set more than one pic for your background image..sry =/
to upload them there are tons of sites..if you might use them again sometime..try keeps them all in an album for you and u can upload many at once..but u have to create an account..
if you just want a place to upload pics..or just dont want to make an account try pretty simple
%26amp;%26amp; here is how you set your background image
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
url('URL OF IMAGE!!!')
also if you're using a layout that has a background image u could just find this code in their layout code %26amp;%26amp; replace the url..hope this helps! =]
How do i make a myspace layout with several images?
the best way is to pic out a layout that you like, and add more photos separately. For instance you could get a layout from , and then go to photobucket, find more picture you like, and add those codes into the about me and who i would like ot meet sections.
How do i make a myspace layout with several images?
hmm well the way i do it.
is i go to paint and click on "edit" at the top.
and click on "paste from"
you choose ONE picture and sort it out wherever you want it.
after you put it where you want it at, go to "paste from" again and choose another picture. and you can put them next to each other or whateverr. and choose as many pictures as you want. after youre funished. save your picture and then go to a layout generator and upload it. then you have your layout.
^^best layout generator^^
How do you get your photobucket/etc. images to be non-clickable on MySpace?
I've been browsing through myspace profiles, and many of them have pictures in the profile hosted by photobucket. My question is, when I scroll over those images they seem to be non-clickable where you don't get the clicky hand linking to photobucket. How do I get this to work with my photos?
Your help would be sooo appreciated
How do you get your photobucket/etc. images to be non-clickable on MySpace?
When you choose your picture on photobucket, copy the Direct Link, or url, and put it into this code:
%26lt;img src="URL HERE"%26gt;
When you directly copy the HTML tag, they add a link to the picture's code, which can be very annoying.
How do you get your photobucket/etc. images to be non-clickable on MySpace?
When you upload just get the image URL, the image location on the internet that would be.
Once you have that just to this.
%26lt;img src="IMAGE URL"%26gt;
delete the IMAGE URL section and replace it with your URL.
The img src just tells the browser where to get the image from.
How do you get your photobucket/etc. images to be non-clickable on MySpace?
just type in %26lt;z%26gt; in the box where you put in their urls.
Where do i find louisiana, coonass or cajun myspace layouts or images?
Hey, I'm a coon-***, you got a problem?? lol (incase anyone doesn't know the definition, its someone born and raised in La *south, mostly*)
To answer your question, I googled it and this is what I got
Where do i find louisiana, coonass or cajun myspace layouts or images?
Are you really surprised you haven't had any answers?
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
i was wondering how do you insert images/ photos on peoples commentboards on myspace?
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
you need to host them off or
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
Yes Use
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
dont you just copy and paste
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
I use photobucket..
Its free and its pretty cool..
Same with avatars..
Just upload.. get a code.. and off ya go!!
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
you have to register with is very easy to do..took me maybe 5 minutes to do so
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
Find the image and get a link to it and then use this code:
%26lt;img src="LINK TO IMAGE" /%26gt;
How do you insert images/photos on comment boards on MYSPACE?
In order to add an image to myspace you have to use the following HTML code:
%26lt;img src=" "%26gt;
^--- Replace this with the link of the image.
As far as using photoshop, when you are done editing an image go to FILE %26gt; SAVE FOR WEB and select JPEG (HIGH or MEDIUM) and then click Save.
How can I make my own myspace layout with my own images and not have it be tiled or show too small a
I've tried various myspace generators and cannot find any that just let me show one image that takes up the whole page...when I upload the image it appears in the center of my page but is really small..and I don't want the tiled look..Please help?
How can I make my own myspace layout with my own images and not have it be tiled or show too small an image?
go to
use their generators;
and in the code, when it says
background-attachment; put "fixed" beside it.
so it should look like this:
background-position:bottom left;
something like that:)
good luck.
(that is only part of the code)
How can I make my own myspace layout with my own images and not have it be tiled or show too small an image?
use a photo editor to resize to what your monitor is.
i think its somewher near 1200x900 or something on mine. just keep tinkering until you get it right.
if you dont have an editor, i think and GIMP are freeware and are good for doing stuff like that.
after you open the image, go into edit or one of the tabs and there should be a resize option.
Does anyone think that it sucks majorly that you cant use copyrighted images on your myspace? how el
supposed to make your myspace look good?
Does anyone think that it sucks majorly that you cant use copyrighted images on your myspace? how else are you
Does anyone think that it sucks majorly that you cant use copyrighted images on your myspace? how else are you
Are you kidding me?
Would it be okay to make copies of famous works of art without paying the owner/artist?
Would you want someone using your (insert product here) without paying for it?
There are PLENTY of places you can get uncopyrighted images, do a google search
Does anyone think that it sucks majorly that you cant use copyrighted images on your myspace? how else are you
printscreen them ...
Does anyone think that it sucks majorly that you cant use copyrighted images on your myspace? how else are you
like it or not, its the law. stop winning
How do you put images side by side instead of under each other on myspace?
I am trying to pimp out my myspace!!! I would like to know how to post images in my music or tv box, but put them side by side instead of underneath each other. How do you get rid of the return ?? Once again, I am not really computer smart, so use simple :) Thanks !!
How do you put images side by side instead of under each other on myspace?
You need a basic HTML code. Go to this site
The code you're looking for is at the bottom of that page and it should help you out.
How do you put images side by side instead of under each other on myspace?
Put the code before %26amp; after your picture url. Report It
Where can I find myspace layouts or images for Club San Luis?
I had to put it here because on the yahoo answers for myspace no one knew who Club San Luis was, and hope i got more luck in this section.
Where can I find myspace layouts or images for Club San Luis?
ummm... well u cant find a layout of club san luis... but u can make 1... jus google up a picture of the team... and go 2 myspace layout editor and u can make ur own layout der... : )
Where can I find myspace layouts or images for Club San Luis?
you cant because san luis sucks
Where can I find myspace layouts or images for Club San Luis?
Hello my name is Karina, and you could find pictures of the club San Luis at: So good luck in finding them.
How can i make my images 100% visible in myspace(profile)??(my images r translucent)?
my images on my profile r not totally visible they r translucent!
i wanna make my images totally visible!
so i just want the code for that
plz help me
How can i make my images 100% visible in myspace(profile)??(my images r translucent)?
If you are using a pre-made layout, you need to be able to understand the html to change the opaqueness of your images. I suggest getting a new layout.
I cant see images people post on myspace?
When someone posts a image in a comment to me on myspace or if someone has one on their page, I CANT SEE IT! i have a laptop. is there any reason why this is happening?!
I cant see images people post on myspace?
It could be that they're using crappy file hosting (most likely)
It could be you need to do some updating
I cant see images people post on myspace?
You don't need to be able to see the photos. Myspace is dangerous and the pictures are really graphic. You'll live.
I cant see images people post on myspace?
I some times have problems with that with my laptop also.
Although it seems to be with autotrader. Anyhow, I deleted all of the temp. internet files and I think I also deleted the cookies. That seemed to clear enough memory or something like that to allow the pics to appear.
In you browser, you should be able to goto 'tools' or 'options' and select 'internet options' then delete away.
After deleting some of these files, you may need to reboot.
Why won't myspace security code images show up on my NEW computer? I can't update my profi
All it shows is a big red X and when i right click and click on show image it won't work I got this 600 dollar cmoputer yesterday. Windows vista norton antivirus absolutely everythings in check. It used to show them but now it won't how can I fix this?
Why won't myspace security code images show up on my NEW computer? I can't update my profile!?
This means you should do these things:
a) Download and Install Firefox
b) See if your pop up blocker is blocking images.
c) Turn Vistas firewall off and get Ashampoo Firewall.
How do I disable right click on images in a myspace blog?
How can i center the images in my myspace profile?
not the whole profile, just the images in the profile tables
How can i center the images in my myspace profile?
%26lt;center%26gt; this is where you put the picture or text %26lt;/center%26gt; make sure you spell center with 'er' not 're' or it will be incorrect even though aussie spelling is 're'
any more trouble with myspace and go to
How can i center the images in my myspace profile?
no way, but u can add a picture in blog that can come in center, it is not like blog in blogspot
If using the MySpace profile editor, customize area on images...why is half my page disappearing?
I am using the MySpace profile editor, customize area for images...if I change my profile photo special effect to one thing with the mouse over, my top friends to another and comment friends to another...when previewing my page...half my page wipes out...then if you go to another area it comes back, but wipes out another part.
Any idea why this is doing this? Anyone else having the same trouble? Is it a glitch on MySpace...or something additional on my page causing the problem (I have all kinds of add ons, but I can't see them being the cause of this).
If using the MySpace profile editor, customize area on images...why is half my page disappearing?
it's a glitch with the opacity filters - myspace doesnt realize that when you apply opacity filters to the tables, they will get cut off in IE when the table reaches a certain size
do not use any of the transparency/opacity options in the myspace editor if you want to avoid this problem
How can i put photobucket images on my myspace blog?
How do i get to put photobucket images into my blog? I've tried the html code. But it didnt work. Is there a new way to do it?
How can i put photobucket images on my myspace blog?
Please read through this
How can i put photobucket images on my myspace blog?
erm you sure! just coppy the html code and then you can even put your photo in a comment box, it still works
How can i put photobucket images on my myspace blog?
upload the picture, copy the html code, paste it into the blog.
How can i put photobucket images on my myspace blog?
Log into your album. Find the photo in question. Copy the HTML tag code (NOT the Direct Link tag). Paste in your blog (or comment box or bulletin if you so wish), and you're good to go.
How can i put photobucket images on my myspace blog?
copy and paste it
How to put images in a myspace blog??
Im making a myspace layout site and I want to put the layouts in a blog but when i use photobucket or tiny pic it just shows the code and has a link in won't show the picture...
it there a different photo host i can go to that wont do this or is there a code to block it from doing that?
How to put images in a myspace blog??
Hm try..
That is very weird that the image is not showing up.
How do people add images to their myspace quotes???
well i'm a drummer and wanted to put a picture of drumsticks or soemthing like that in my myspace quote...but the code you get from sites like are too long to put in the quote. is there another way of putting pictures in quotes? i've seen them on people's sites before.
How do people add images to their myspace quotes???
Yes. Just take the too-long url to
They'll shorten it in seconds for you, and you can then put it into this code:
%26lt;img src="URL HERE"%26gt;
Put the code in your caption or headline.
How do people add images to their myspace quotes???
do u mean myspace quote, or headline?
How do people add images to their myspace quotes???
YOU are Being USED by MY SPACE
find out the shocking Truth here
How do you put images under pictures in your myspace album?
In your photo album on myspace, under the picture there is a place for text. Well some people have icons or images from like photobucket. I wanted to know how to put the images under my photos. I've tired to put HTML link and tag link but it doesn't work and i'm not sure if it is even right! Please help! THanks
How do you put images under pictures in your myspace album?
You don't use the html tag, you use the url of the pic instead, in the caption.
Put the url in this code:
%26lt;img src="URL"%26gt;
How do you put images under pictures in your myspace album?
um yea i dont see where the url of the picture is ?? i need help Report It
How do you put images on your myspace profile?
on your profile like in music or heroes. not in uploading images
How do you put images on your myspace profile?
Since you have them uploaded already, use this HTML: %26lt;img src=""URL"%26gt;," where URL is the location of the image.
%26lt;img src="URL" height=400 width=800%26gt;
Don't forget to add %26lt;Z%26gt; in the box anywhere to disable clickable links!
How do you put images on your myspace profile?
if you mean background images, use one of the pimping/editor sites. As for the rest like videos, myspace has its own, but youtube can be embedded into your page as well (there's code on each video when you're viewing)
How do you put images on your myspace profile?
you need to get photobucket to download photo's from your computer go here you need to sign up
How do you put images on your myspace profile?
well, you will have to get the HTML code and encode it in that section, such as heroes or general or whatever section you would like it in. :)
Does anyone know some programs where I can trick out my images on myspace?
I always see my friends on myspace with like the cute photos where they have words and turn them into like a concrete template effect and other things like that and I know that there's photoshop but it is too expensive and I'm kinda skeptical about putting in credit card numbers because of the risks that fall behind that. If you have any websites that I could do that for free can you please list them here?
Does anyone know some programs where I can trick out my images on myspace?
i like you just upload a pic no need to make a profile and you can all alot of effects, text. and a lot more.
Does anyone know some programs where I can trick out my images on myspace? is good my sisters use it
How can i make myspace tables opaque without affecting the text or images and without causing parts
How can i make myspace tables opaque without affecting the text or images and without causing parts of tables?
Has the look of the old photo booth pictures, with a strip of four images been replaced by MySpace S
y'know i was at a kids game place with the grandchildren a while back, and they had one of those old time photo booths that spit out the strip of 4 lovely and talented wife made me sit for some pic there... it was great fun...
i miss seeing those at woolworth's and places such as that.
Has the look of the old photo booth pictures, with a strip of four images been replaced by MySpace Style image
i actually really like photobooth pictures
myspace pictures are to clique( i cant spellXD)
Has the look of the old photo booth pictures, with a strip of four images been replaced by MySpace Style image
No, definitely not. (^_^)
Btw- to the guy above me, it's cliche.
Is there a code that disables people from right clicking your images on myspace?
anybody help!
Is there a code that disables people from right clicking your images on myspace?
yes. try this
if not you can search no right click code on yahoo or something. hope that helps :)
Is there a code that disables people from right clicking your images on myspace?
Disable Right Click
%26lt;BODY ONCONTEXTMENU="return false"%26gt;
Is there a code that disables people from right clicking your images on myspace?
None of them worked for me
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
a scroll box that has images.
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
i like this code because its simple
but you can make changes to it to make it look better.
%26lt;DIV style="width:235px; height:285px; overflow:auto; border-width:1px; border-color:000000; border-style:none;"%26gt;paste picture code here%26lt;/div%26gt;
you can change the width and height.
you can change the border width, color, and style.
here's the code for pictures
%26lt;img src=paste url of picture here%26gt;
hopefully this helps =]
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
%26lt;div style="height:200px; width:200px; overflow:auto;"%26gt;
images and text go here
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
%26lt;textarea%26gt;IMAGE CODE HERE%26lt;/textarea%26gt;
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;
div.myspace-scroll-box {
font:16pt/20pt Verdana;
%26lt;div class="myspace-scroll-box"%26gt;
Enter your scroll box text here... once there's enough text, the box will grow scroll bars!
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
i was gonna paste it for you but i thought i'd give you the webpage to go to because they walk you through it.
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
oh i have the scroll box on my page as well, go to and then on the left side of the page shows lots of options titled MAIN NAVIGATION then click on myspace codes..there is the scroll box code plus many many more!
Code for a scroll box for images on myspace?
If you go on
youll find lots of tutorials. and some on picture scrollbars
I need to know how to UNblock a source of images on myspace?
My cousin put a comment on my page with a giant image. I liked it but it was so big that it was messing up the layout of my page.
So I right-clicked the image, and it gave me an option to "block images from blah blah" (ie, whatever the site was that it came from). I selected it, because I thought I could reenable it later.
Well, I had my cousin re-send the image in a smaller form. But now I can't see it at all, cuz I blocked the source of the image, and I don't know how to UNblock the source. Right-clicking doesn't work. I don't have any idea what to do.
Does anyone know how to do this? I appreciate the help alot! :)
I need to know how to UNblock a source of images on myspace?
This blog gives you all the information required to bypass firewall and access the blocked websites and stuff like that.
Plz do leave a comment in the blog if you find it helpful.
Good Luck.
Help with images on my myspace layout....Please?
I have noticed in the last few days that when I look at my profile all the images( like actresses, cool quotes etc) are gone and there is a small box with a email next to it for image shack next to it. When you click on the address it brings you to imageshack??? I have had these images on my profile for 2 years and now they are gone? Anyone know where they went or how to fix this problem? I hope that I don't have to start from scratch again!!!
Help with images on my myspace layout....Please?
sounds like that whoever was hosting the images deleted them. I think you do need to get a fresh code for those, sorry
...OR you may have too many codes. Sometimes certain things don't show up if I have too many codes in there
Help with images on my myspace layout....Please?
whoever was hosting the
images probably deleted them..
most of the time other ppl
hav the same pics..
so just research for all of them :/
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Where can u find summer images for myspace?
suchs as flip flops on the beach. girls in bikinis with sunglasses on the beach.
i dont want those MINI icons. i want images. please help. i looked everywhere
Where can u find summer images for myspace?
Search for them in Yahoo Images
Were can I get really dark & gothic backgrounds and images for myspace?
Common layouts site have stupid emo %26amp; goth stuff that's not really what I'm looking for. I want it to be truly gothic.
Were can I get really dark %26amp; gothic backgrounds and images for myspace?
I hear you. Seems like all the "Gothic" layouts feature some chick with lots of makeup; I really don't want some other chick's face on my page. You might like some of the things here: or here: but I really haven't been able to find anything satisfactory anywhere. Alternatively, with some basic HTML or a profile generator like , you can set any picture you want as the background to your page.
Were can I get really dark %26amp; gothic backgrounds and images for myspace?
try there.
How do you post a picture off of google images on myspace?
How do you post a picture off of google images on myspace?
You can take the image directly OFF of Google Images. Just click to view the "full size" picture, %26amp; there should be an address in your address bar that ends with ".jpg". Copy that whole address %26amp; put it into this code. No need for Photobucket.
%26lt;img src="ADDRESS"%26gt;
How do you post a picture off of google images on myspace?
you save it to your computer %26amp; you upload it to,, or
%26amp; if you go to photobucket take the one that start with %26lt;img src=""%26gt;
%26amp; the other site take the one like that or take the direct link
%26amp; just put %26lt;img src="URL HERE"%26gt;
How do you post a picture off of google images on myspace?
do u want a picture off gogle and on ur myspace, rite?
all u do is save the picture on ur computer and den upload it on myspace...
How do u block the right hand click on images on myspace?
That would require the use of javascript which is filtered on Myspace. Either way if someone really wanted to take an image of yours with right click disabled they can with other methods not requiring right click.
How do u block the right hand click on images on myspace?
I don't think you can
How do u block the right hand click on images on myspace?
Since javascript is disabled on myspace, you can't disable right-clicking for your page...
But this is a method to stop people from simply right-clicking on your images and saving them....
a) this will only work for externally hosted images that you place into your main profile page... it will NOT work for images on your pics page(s)... it will not work for your default image, your friends images, or images in your comments...
b) users that know how to read html can view the source code for your page and get the urls of your images...
c) NOTHING can stop people from taking screenshots of stuff you post on your profile...
d) you will have to use this method for EACH image that you want to *protect*... there is no way to apply it to all images at once...
Normally you would post an image on your profile using the %26lt;img src="url"%26gt; code... anyone can right-click on the image and save it to their pc...
Basically the way to get around it is, instead of inserting that image into your page, you will insert a div... the div will contain a transparent gif image and your image will be set as the background... people will still be able to right-click and save the image, but the image they will be saving is the transparent gif... they won't be getting your precious image....
The only tricky bit is that you have to know the dimensions of your image in pixels... you can find that by simply right-clicking on the image and selecting "properties" from the menu... you'll have to enter the dimensions of the image into the code twice (once to set the size of the div, and once to set the size of the transparent gif)...
this is the code you will use:
%26lt;div style="width:XXXpx; height:YYYpx; background-image:url(http://YourImageUrl...
%26lt;img src=" width="XXXpx" height="YYYpx" border="0"%26gt;
replace the red bits with the info of your image, and paste that code in your profile where you want your *protected* image to appear.....
How do u block the right hand click on images on myspace?
Disabling Right Click on Images
Since javascript is filtered on myspace, theres really no way to prevent the right click from happening on your pictures. you can do the "transparent gif" method but people can easily disable the styles with firefox and steal the pic. luckly, theres a much easier and better way to do this.
Use the generator below. Be sure to follow directions.
How can i send messages with personalize images in myspace?
upload your pictures to ,then you can copy %26amp; past them in your messages,using the HTML tag,,,works great,good luck
How can i send messages with personalize images in myspace?
a neat place to go is you can upload your pics and add special touches to them if you want to and it will give you a code that you place in your message another place is it does the same thing but picture's tend to be bigger and you can't edit the pic's like you can at blingee, Hope this helps!
How can i send messages with personalize images in myspace?
refer to this tutorial and use the code to post an image. althought this tutorial is for how to set an image as a picture caption, you need to use the same HTML code to insert an image into your message, bulletin, comment, etc...
Where can I find loads of glitter images on Myspace? (trying to be more clearer than my last questio
Where can I find loads of glitter images on Myspace? (trying to be more clearer than my last question)?
How can i get images on both sides of my myspace profile?
My e-mail is , my page will only do the left or the right side with an image, when i use a myspace layout creator. i tried doing it once for the left, then once for the right, but it wont work, find me on myspace and you'll see what i mean. Please help, i want the image on the left and right side of my page..... Thanks for any help!!!!!
How can i get images on both sides of my myspace profile?
use the oficial profile editor provided by myspace and they give you the option to do pictures on both sides